If you’ve been issued an arrest warrant, no matter what you may think of the allegations, it’s important to contact a lawyer.
How you handle the initial stages of your case is critical and you’re likely to be asked questions that you shouldn’t answer without the guidance of a criminal defense attorney.
We Offer Expert Counsel
Effective counsel ensures that your rights are protected from the earliest stages of an investigation or arrest. If you’ve been detained until your trial, we’ll work for your release on bond—an agreement that you will regularly report to court, not violate the law, not leave the state without permission, and not be in contact with certain people until trial. Expert legal help can ensure that your rights are protected during an arrest and facilitate your release on bond, should you be detained.
Reach Out to Us
If you or a loved one are facing an arrest warrant, have been arrested, or are working to be released on bond, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney to ensure your rights are protected and all efforts are made to secure your release.
To learn more about how we can help you navigate the process, send us an email or call our office at 616.458.2212.